What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

These are infections that spread from person to person through sexual contact. They include such diseases as chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes and syphilis, for example.

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Now, this brings us to the topic of testing for sexually transmitted diseases. You can go to a doctor or an STD clinic and they will most likely do a simple test on you to determine whether you have the disease or not. It may be done instantly or it can take a few days depending on the result. There are also tests that can be taken in the privacy of your home which many people prefer for obvious reasons. It is not always easy to approach your family GP with issues of a sensitive nature. That is why home testing is so important as it can help identify if you have a problem, for which you can then seek medical advice for. Find out more about Home StI Kits London at a site like Checkurself, a provider of Home StI Kits London.

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The only sure fire way to avoid getting affected with any sexually transmitted diseases is by avoiding sexual activity with multiple partners or ensuring that you always follow safe sex practices. Condoms do reduce the risk of getting infected, but not totally prevent infections. They can, however, reduce the chances of pregnancy and its complications. A