Where Did the Tooth Fairy Comes From?

Children around the world are familiar with the Tooth Fairy, they keep seeing it on TV and in the movies. This is one of their favorites and they have even grown to love the characters over the centuries.. So where did the tale of the Tooth Fairy come from? One theory is that she may have been the very first person to bring new teeth  to children in old pagan myths. She would probably do this through her magic spells or even by simply talking to them and suggesting a visit to their house.

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Another theory is that the tooth fairy may have been popularized by the early Disney Company. Many of the early cartoons featured fairies that were dressed as lovely friendly characters. They often wore clothing like a ballgown and used their special powers to help young children. Some of these may have even made it into the movies where they were seen dressed as princesses, although it wasn’t until later in the movie franchise that they began to offer money for a milk tooth that had finally come out. In this day and age it would be better to bring Bamboo Toothbrush. This is especially true when you consider there are Biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes on the market.

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So where did the tooth fairy come from? There is one popular theory that she did come from a German children’s book. The Grimm brothers were famous for collecting them and this maybe just be another example. It may have appeared in print long before Mickey Mouse ever came onto the scene. It is not clear that money was offered for the tooth or another gift like and apple. It is also tied in to the unofficial rituals of becoming grown up.