This Personal Branding Advice Should Be Ignored

We are constantly being told how important our personal brand is, but most of us don’t know the best way to do it. Read on to find out what you should and shouldn’t do.

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Quantity Beats Quality Any Day

That is not the way we normally hear that expression, quite correctly. Quality still beats quantity. A successful personal brand is about your value proposition. What can you offer your tribe? How will it help them? Entrepreneur magazine recommends clear and concise communication to get your point across.

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Repost Articles

There is some value in sharing other people’s content if it is relevant to your audience, but it is not the best way to get yourself noticed. The truth is, people may remember what they’ve read but not where they’ve read it. Use this method judiciously.

Frontload your LinkedIn Profile with Skills

Having lots of skills listed on LinkedIn will get you more views, but that’s no good at all if you don’t get any traction from them. The truth is, lots of people only use LinkedIn to get contacts and they don’t really do anything with them. It looks great that you’ve got 500+, but what are you doing with them and how are they helping your business? If you are new to branding and struggling to get it right, you could ask for the help of a branding agency. They are used to doing this and can really help.

Digital and ‘Real-Time’ Branding Are Separate

They are not, and all you are doing is make yourself work twice as hard by treating them that way. Your brand is your brand, and you want things to be the same when people encounter you online and when they encounter you in the flesh. You can lose a lot of potential clients if you don’t walk your online talk. Using agencies that specialise in branding such as Really Helpful Marketing can be a great asset to your branding.

Get More Followers on Twitter

You are better off getting the right people following you rather than having a lot with whom you have very little in common and almost no interaction. Make sure you know who the right people for you are and use hashtags that are relevant to the things they search for.