Four Healing Plants for Your Garden

Planting flowers and plants in the garden not only helps your garden to look good and also provides a habitat for wildlife, but some plants can have health benefits for you.

You can buy flowers and plants from many places nowadays and you can even order online from places like this wholesale plants supplier so if you can’t find all of these plants in your local garden centre, have a look online as you will be able to get them from somewhere!

Here are some of the beneficial plants that you can grow in the garden…

Chamomile – Something that not only looks beautiful in the garden but also helps your health is chamomile. Chamomile tea is one of the best remedies for nervousness and sleep problems that are caused by anxiety.

Many people also use chamomile to treat colds, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. The most common way to take chamomile is in tea.

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Hyssop – The pretty purple hyssop flowers brighten up the garden and also boost your health. Care should be taken, as it is not for everyone – children, women who are pregnant and people who suffer from seizures should all avoid it, however if you do not fall into these categories, you can make a tea from the dried flowers with honey, and it can help to soothe a cough. It also can help to aid digestion.

Lemon Balm – Used topically, the fresh smelling leaves of lemon balm can soothe the skin, and sores or bites can be treated by holding the leaves against the skin. Taken internally in a tea, lemon balm can help to alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety, so it is a great herb for those who suffer with their mental health.

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Mugwort – One of the most renowned healing herbs, Mugwort is used in the acupuncture practice of moxibustion as well as being a great herb for women who suffer from hormonal problems and period pain. Because of its ability to contract the womb, it is not advisable for pregnant women to take Mugwort.

Most people tend to take Mugwort in a tea, the leaves can be dried out and added to boiling water. It can also be mixed with other medicinal herbs to make a soothing tea with a range of benefits.