Preparing your Home for the Spring Cold Snap

With winter not over yet, and the temperatures set to plummet once again before we can truly enjoy the spring, keeping warm is something that is important to all of us to ensure that we stay healthy. Making sure that your home is warm enough is essential to your health, and with snow back on the cards as we enter March, it is wise to pay attention to this.

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Here are some of the practical things that you can do to prepare you and your home for the incoming cold weather…

Prepare your Boiler – It’s time to make sure that your boiler is ready to use once again, and if you haven’t had a service done on it for a while, then now is the time. If you were considering a new boiler, it might also be a good idea to get a professional like this boilers Cheltenham based company to install one for you now as this means as well as keeping you warm now you will have a new boiler ready to go in the winter too.

Protect Pipes – One of the most common problems that the cold weather can cause is pipes that freeze up. If you haven’t done so already, this is a good time to prepare your pipes and insulate them before the cold snap arrives. Pipes that are too cold run the risk of freezing and therefore can then burst. If you have a hosepipe, check that it is not attached to your outdoor tap, as this can also increase the chances of it freezing.

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Check your Loft – As well as the pipes, the loft also will need to be insulated, and now is a good time to make sure that you have suitable insulation in the loft as this is where a lot of the heat is lost from your home. When hot air rises and escapes through the roof, your heating bills will be higher, so loft insulation is well worth investing in if you want to make sure that you save money on your heating costs in the long run. You can buy loft insulation materials in most DIY shops to do yourself if you wish.