Why Your School Prospectus is So Important

Every school is unique and something that all schools will want to get across to parents who are choosing a school for their children, is the essence and feeling of the school. There are lots of ways that schools can communicate what life at the school is like to prospective parents – from open evenings, to the school social media page, all of this will be an important part of showcasing the school.

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Something else that is really important when you are representing your school is of course the prospectus. This will be one of the first things that a parent who is interested in the school will want to look at, and it is a way to communicate more details of the school and what it offers.

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A good school prospectus design company like this fsedesign.co.uk/school-prospectus-design can help you to get all of the information across to parents in a clear and engaging way. Including things like the GCSE results, courses on offer and extra-curricular activities as well as the pastoral care that the school offers and details of what life is like at the school.

Good layout matters, as do photographs that get across the school and what it is like to be part of it. This is a great way to offer parents a good insight into the school to help them to make a well-informed decision that is one of the most important in their child’s life.