Exercising to support cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is a condition that is most often detected at birth or during the first few years of a child’s life. It is a condition that can see issues with mobility, and there may be a need for the individual to use Mobility Aids like the ones that you can find at https://www.abilitysuperstore.com/. Here are some ways that exercises can help support those with the condition.

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Rotating joints – when you gently rotate the joints such as the hips, knees, wrists, shoulders, elbows and ankles, you can help to maintain the range of motion that the individual has. It can help to reduce stiffness from occurring in these joints and can also improve circulation.

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Shoulder stretch – by raising one arm in the air and bending it behind the back, it is possible to help stretch the muscles in the shoulder and to release any tension that may have built up in the area. This is true of any other stretch as well. These can include stretching out the calves, hamstring and quadriceps. It is important that stretches like these are undertaken on a regular basis.

Trunk twists – this requires the individual to gently rotate their torso from one side to another in a gentle twist. They can be performed standing, seating or even lying down, depending on the needs of the individual. When you have twisted it in one direction, it is important that you hold it for up to 20 seconds.