Things you might not know about earwax

Earwax is not a subject that comes up very often in polite conversation but it’s a fascinating substance. Also known as cerumen, earwax is an important part of your ear health. Here are some interesting facts about this sticky substance that you might not know:

Not really wax

Whilst it is called wax, earwax isn’t really a wax at all. It is named as such due to its waxy texture. Part of the sticky stuff consists of dead skin cells from inside the ear canal. This area of the body carries out continual skin renewal and so the dead cells form part of the makeup of earwax.

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Not enough wax

Earwax plays such an essential role in protecting the ear that if you don’t produce enough of it, you can experience problems. Too much cleaning and you could end up with itchiness due to a lack of lubrication inside the ear canal. Removing too much will leave a lack of lubrication, leading to itchy dryness.

Too much wax

Too much in your ears can also cause issues. If a cotton bud is pushed into the ear in an effort to clean and the wax gets pushed further towards the eardrum, you could end up with a blockage and even partial hearing loss. When you need Ear wax removal Poole, go to

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Wax type depends on ethnicity

Did you know that the consistency of earwax depends on your ethnicity? It is crumbly and dry for some ethnic types and wet and sticky for others. Those of African or European ethnicity are more likely to have wet and sticky earwax!