Make your Bedroom More Relaxing and Improve your Sleep Quality

Your bedroom is a place that should provide you with a good quality night’s sleep to enable you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go. If you want to improve your sleep and make your bedroom a more relaxing place to be, here are some things that you can do…

Calm Colours – Colours have a big impact on the way we feel, and they are a great way to make your space feel a certain way. Colours that help the brain to switch off and feel restful are what you need in your bedroom. Soft tones and natural colours are a great choice for a bedroom. Whether you opt for paint or wallpaper, think about the way that the colours make you feel and go for ones that are calm.

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Storage Solutions – In order to get a peaceful and restful feeling when you are in your bedroom, you need to make sure that it is a clutter free zone! Make sure that you have good storage for all the things that you keep in the room. Even in a smaller room, using shelving and fitted wardrobes can help to create a much more organised space, which makes it easier to find what you need as well as being a calmer place to rest.

Soft Lighting – If you have lighting in the bedroom that is too harsh and bright, you are not going to want to switch off and sleep. Lamps that have a softer light are a better choice for your bedroom. You should also banish screens from the bedroom as the blue light makes your brain think that it is daytime, so try to leave the phones and tablets out of the room, and don’t watch tv when you are in bed.

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Comfortable Bedding – Your bed needs to be comfortable for you to get a good night’s rest. As well as hindering your sleep an uncomfortable bed can also cause back and neck problems. Choose a mattress that is suited to your needs and make sure that you have bedding that keeps you warm. It is a good idea to have layers of bedding, so that you can add and remove layers as required depending on the temperature.